Our approach is First principles thinking + Hyper Customization
Our Core Modules
We aim at codifying solutions to problems which lie in the root of 80% Data science initiatives and hyper customizing the final layers according to needs of business

Codify solutions to problems which lie in the root of 80% Data science initiatives and hyper customizing the final layers according to needs of business
- LINNAEUS.de: Data aggregation & transformation workbench
- DARWIN.4c: Constraint handling Optimization Engine
- TURING.ai: Anomaly adjusted Forecasting Core
- CURIE.ai: Self Diagnostic Predictive Core
- NERUDA.GenAl: Scalable Gen Al Backbone
- KALAM.ai: Multi variate Experimentation engine
- FEYNMAN.bi: Advanced UX/UI, end user psychology mapper and enabler module