white ferris wheel near body of water during daytime

Black swan events, those rare and unpredictable occurrences that have a significant impact on our lives, are more common than we might think. From natural disasters to financial crises, these events can disrupt economies, industries, and businesses in ways that are often impossible to predict. In the face of such uncertainty, many businesses are turning to Useable AI, a concept that enables humans to focus on more creative tasks and think about the future rather than relying on past data to predict it.

Understanding Black Swan Events

Black swan events, a term popularized by author Nassim Nicholas Taleb, refer to highly improbable events that have a severe impact and are often explained in hindsight. These events are characterized by their rarity, extreme impact, and the human tendency to rationalize them after they occur. Examples of black swan events include the 2008 financial crisis, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

Black swan events challenge the traditional approach to risk management, which relies on historical data and statistical models to predict future outcomes. These events are, by definition, difficult if not impossible to predict using conventional methods. As a result, businesses are increasingly recognizing the need for a more adaptable and resilient approach.

The Case for Useable AI

Useable AI, also known as augmented intelligence, is an approach that combines the strengths of human intelligence with the computational power of artificial intelligence. Unlike traditional AI, which aims to replace human decision-making, Useable AI focuses on enhancing human capabilities and enabling them to make better-informed decisions.

One of the key advantages of Useable AI is its ability to automate repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on more creative and strategic endeavors. By offloading routine tasks to AI systems, businesses can leverage the power of automation while allowing humans to think critically and creatively.

Useable AI also addresses the limitations of relying solely on past data to predict the future. Black swan events are, by their very nature, unforeseen and unprecedented. Traditional predictive models that rely on historical data may fail to account for these rare and extreme events. Useable AI, on the other hand, can help businesses adapt to changing circumstances by analyzing real-time data and providing insights that humans may overlook.

Furthermore, Useable AI can assist in scenario planning and risk management. By simulating different scenarios and assessing their potential impact, businesses can better prepare for unexpected events. This proactive approach allows organizations to identify potential vulnerabilities and develop strategies to mitigate risks.

Embracing a Future-Oriented Mindset

In a world where black swan events are becoming increasingly common, businesses must adopt a future-oriented mindset. Rather than relying solely on historical data and past trends, organizations need to embrace agility, adaptability, and innovation.

Useable AI plays a crucial role in this shift. By automating routine tasks and providing real-time insights, AI enables humans to focus on strategic thinking, creative problem-solving, and envisioning the future. Instead of being bogged down by repetitive tasks and data analysis, employees can contribute their unique skills and expertise to drive innovation and growth.

However, it is important to note that Useable AI is not a panacea. While AI can augment human capabilities, it cannot replace human judgment, intuition, and creativity. Human input is essential in interpreting AI-generated insights, making informed decisions, and adapting to unexpected circumstances.


Black swan events are more common than we think, and businesses need to be prepared for their potential impact. Relying solely on historical data and traditional predictive models may leave organizations vulnerable to unforeseen events. Useable AI offers a solution by automating routine tasks and providing real-time insights, enabling humans to focus on more creative and future-oriented tasks.

By embracing Useable AI, businesses can enhance their agility, adaptability, and resilience in the face of uncertainty. The combination of human intelligence and AI capabilities allows organizations to navigate the complexities of the modern world and thrive in an era of constant change.

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